Endless Places to EXPLORE!

Oct 26, 2011

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Maybe you’ve visited the Great Pyramid of Giza and gone on safari in the Serengeti — but glance at Kai Krause’s map below and you’ll see that the travel possibilities in Africa are endless!


The staff at EXPLORE specialize in seeking out fresh experiences far from the beaten path. From music festivals in Timbuktu to pristine beaches in Zanzibar to wilderness sanctuaries in the wilds of Mozambique, we’re constantly searching the continent for new adventures that our clients can embark on in style and comfort. We could spend our lifetimes helping travelers explore the massive map of Africa and barely scratch the surface!

Give us a call. We love to talk about the special places we’ve discovered over the years, and we’re always excited to help people seek out the natural riches and cultural treasures that Africa has hidden away in its far-flung corners.

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